The lake offers a wide variety of recreation opportunities, including water sports, hiking, biking, horseback riding, picnicking, large group pavilions, hunting, fishing and simply enjoying the scenery.

I enjoyed every second of this book, and I think you will, too.Union Grove Park is located on the southwestern shore of Stillhouse Hollow Lake in central Texas. She completely transformed from a complacent housewife to a woman basically learning how to defend herself and her kids and how to fight evil. I wouldn’t say this is a murder mystery–it’s more a mystery of trying to figure out which characters aren’t telling the truth about who they are. I’m not going to lie, there were a couple times I was super glad we don’t have a garage. The storytelling was amazing, as was the plot. It took me probably two or three hours to read this I could not put it down. She does know that she will do whatever it takes to keep her children safe.

After being married to a serial killer for nine years, she understands how duplicitous people can really be, and she has no idea who she can trust. Stillhouse Lake is starting to feel like home when the body of a woman is found in the lake and an anonymous tip lets the police know who Gwen really is. She’s acquitted though, and because some people don’t trust the law, she is constantly threatened, along with her children. He gets put in prison and Gina almost does as well since people have a hard time believing there’s no way she didn’t know what was happening. Turns out her husband wasn’t doing woodworking in there he’d been torturing and dismembering young women. Then, by chance, a drunk driver crashes into their garage, which Gina was never allowed to go into. She used to be Gina Royal, married to Melvin, and while things weren’t perfect, they were good enough. Stillhouse Lake is where Gwen Proctor has moved with her two children, in another effort to escape her past.